WP.3. End-to-end Security and Privacy

WP.3. End-to-end Security and Privacy

The main goal of this work package is to enhance security and privacy within and across different layers of IoT applications: service, device, data storage and transmission. Regarding the service aspects, social media technologies will be applied to identify reputation and trust patterns within a network of things. On the devices level, hardware coded security will be provided, while on the data level emphasis will be on secure data storage and retrieval. Given that devices may be utilized in different applications and contexts, cross-application security and privacy mechanisms will be developed by considering different applications as tenants.
In particular, this WP will focus on:

  • Increasing the device security by providing a hardware coded security layer, including low level data storage and transmission since poorly developed software or basic hardware security mechanisms, at device level, are subject to attacks causing data loss and/or system damage.
  • Ensuring security and privacy at the cloud storage level by translating the security and privacy requirements for the IoT domain in the COSMOS project to existing mechanisms in cloud storage, and deploying those mechanisms.
  • Ensuring privacy and trust by eliminating the need to move personal or critical data through the management and movement of the execution of service components to the producers or owners of the data instead of moving the data to the service.

Identification of security, privacy and trust patters in networks of things as well as quality of information assessment based on objects and administrative domains (under which the objects operate) profiling.

Lead Beneficiary: 
WP Date: 
March 2014 to September 2016