Take a minute to complete COSMOS survey on Cloud SLA metrics for the IoT@IERC!!!

Take a minute to complete COSMOS survey on Cloud SLA metrics for the IoT@IERC!!!

FP7 COSMOS has recently joined a collaboration/standardization effort together with the H2020 SLALOM project, in order to provide input towards the ISO draft standard 19086-2 that is currently under formulation by ISO IEC-JTC1-SC38-WG3. The main focus of the work of 19086-2 is to define a metric description model that may be used in Service Level Agreements to create structured descriptions of the guaranteed metrics. In this context, we are aiming to identify/select key metrics from an IoT point of view (for Cloud or even more generic services), in order to check whether the initially proposed model approach can be expressive enough to include them.

We invite you to complete the survey on the initially selected metrics but most importantly to propose new ones that might be of interest, if the existing ones do not cover your user needs or your provider role. The ones with the highest score will be selected for the aforementioned purpose.