
WP.1. Project Management & Coordination

  • Administrative and financial management.
  • Decision making and conflict resolution.
  • Control and monitoring activities.
  • Establish Project standards and carry out Project quality control activities and risk management

WP.2. Requirements and Architecture

This work package will provide technical strategy and oversight for all research and development activities throughout the lifecycle of the project. This will include market analysis, State of the Art review, requirements analysis and architecture specification.
The objectives of this WP are to:

WP.3. End-to-end Security and Privacy

The main goal of this work package is to enhance security and privacy within and across different layers of IoT applications: service, device, data storage and transmission. Regarding the service aspects, social media technologies will be applied to identify reputation and trust patterns within a network of things. On the devices level, hardware coded security will be provided, while on the data level emphasis will be on secure data storage and retrieval.

WP.4. Information and Data Lifecycle Management

The main objective of this work package is to support key points in the lifecycle of information and data in the COSMOS project. The amount of data which is 'born digital' in today's world is increasing exponentially, especially as more devices and Things are connected to the internet. This data has the potential to become an extremely valuable asset, if it can be harnessed effectively.
